domingo, 13 de junio de 2010


I know it's over and it never really began
(but in my heart it was so real).

And you even spoke to me, and said:

"If you're so funny, then why are you on your own tonight?
And if you're so clever, then why are you on your own tonight?
If you're so very entertaining, then why are you on your own tonight?
If you're so very good-looking, why do you sleep alone tonight?"

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

El día que cumplí 18 años escuché esta canción durante 4 horas y media.

Desde ese día decidí que sería parte de mi historia :)


Paolo dijo...

Oe, 'ta que te veo medio emo...

Aisha dijo...

Uhm, creo que Morrissey es el emo, él expresa, yo copio.

Kerad dijo...

morrisey <3